showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardauthor(s)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves  Sony Computer Entertainment (Naughty Dog)2009 labelimagesubject
God of War III Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE Studios Santa Monica)2010 labelimagesubject
Gran Turismo 5 Sony Computer Entertainment (Polyphony Digital)2010 labelimageminimize
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception  SCEA (Naughty Dog)2011 labelimageminimize
The Last of Us Sony Computer Entertainment (Naughty Dog)2013Benson Russell (designer)
Bruce Straley (director)
Elisabetta Silli (designer)
Gustavo Santaolalla (composer)
Jacob Minkoff (designer)
Jason Gregory (programmer)
Maciej Kuciara (artist)
Mark Davies (designer)
Neil Druckmann (writer)
Ricky Cambier (designer)
Gran Turismo 6 Sony Computer Entertainment (Polyphony Digital)2013 labelimagesubject